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How to add members?

Assign access to a space (news feed, challenge, dashboard or quiz collection) to participants, managers and/or management

Updated over 7 months ago

You've created your news feed, challenge, dashboard or quiz collection and are about to publish it.

Now it's time to invite the people in that space, so they can access it.

Please note: If you want to announce the creation of your space to everyone at the same time, it is recommended (with the exception of the news feed) to do so before the space is published. Otherwise, a notification will be sent to each addition.

How to invite members ?

Access the add members feature

On the main page of your space, click on the "Members" tab and then on the "Add members" button.

A window appears, from which you can add your members.

How to read the add window

This window is divided into 6 main parts.

  1. The types of selection

  2. The search bar

  3. The selection filters

  4. The filter results

  5. The selected choices

  6. Add users by email / team identifiers

  7. "Add members" and "Cancel" buttons

You can then select members to add from the search bar or by clicking on the filter results.

Choosing people to invite via filters: the difference between the Users, Hierarchical Roles and Teams tab

As we mentioned before, you can choose the members from the search bar or from the filter results.

For this second option, you will first have to choose the selection type. You will have three possibilities, adding by :

  • Users: Allows you to select the users you want one by one.

  • Roles: Allows you to add all users belonging to a role (ideal for adding a team)

  • Teams : Similar to "Roles", this one will add in addition to the selected role, all the users of the roles subordinate to it.

To better illustrate the difference between "Roles" and "Teams", let's take this example where we select the role "GERMANY":

As you can see, the first one only adds the "GERMANY" while the other one adds the "GERMANY" and the "NORTH GERMANY" region (a role subordinate to "GERMANY").

NB: it is strongly advised to add members via the Roles or Teams filters because access updates will be done automatically as soon as you create a user's account or change the role of a current user.

Choosing the people to invite from a file: list of adhoc members

If you have already created your list of members from an Excel file, you can use this same list to import them into your space by going to "SELECT BY EMAIL / TEAM IDENTIFIER" (c.f. "How to read the add window": Part 6).

If it is a list of Users, fill in the list of their emails.

If it is a list of hierarchical Roles, fill in their ID (do the same for "Teams").

Validate, modify or cancel my selection

Modify my selection

If you have made a mistake in your selection, you can cancel it by clicking on the small crosses to the right of each choice.

Validate or cancel my selection

When your selection is made, you can validate it by selecting "ADD MEMBERS". If you wish to leave the add members window without any impact on your space, select the "CANCEL" button.

Removing members from a space

If some members are no longer part of your membership or have changed assignment, you can remove them from the list of members by checking (from the members page) the cross next to their name, then selecting the "REMOVE SELECTION" button (which will appear on the first selection).

The same is true for hierarchical roles.

NB: The box will not be available in the Users tab if the member has been added via a hierarchical role. You will get the following message:

The modification will have to be done by modifying the user's role.

Now you know how to add, delete or modify the members of a space in order to control the access and visibility of a space to the users of the platform.

See you soon on Incenteev ! 😃

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