Why do you need to add members to a space (challenge, dashboard, newsfeed or quiz collections) even though you've indicated them to be participants?
For a better understanding of the distinction between members and participants,
let's take the example of a football match.
In this type of event we generally have two populations : Players and all those who come to watch the game for various reasons (coaches, technical teams, spectators, journalists…)
To have access to the stadium on the day of the match, you must be invited (and therefore, you must be a "member" of the event).
Both players (participants) and observers (members) must be invited to access the facility and be present during the game.
That being said, among the guests, only the players will participate in the match and will carry results (these are the participants).
Within your platform, it's the same thing. You will have your participants : the results holders (salespeople, account managers, managers...) who will be judged on their performance, as well as all the members who must have access to this space to observe the results, encourage, congratulate (your space members!) ...
With the same logic, a participant who is not a member of a space can neither participate, nor see the space in his Incenteev application.
So don't forget to invite everyone as members to said space! 😉
See you soon on Incenteev !😃