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All about contribution forms
All about contribution forms

general guidelines

Updated over 7 months ago

What is it?

To encourage the sharing of value - added publications such as best practices, success stories or customer testimonials... Incenteev has created the "Contribution forms" feature that allows you to distinguish these value-added publications from standard publications. You structure them as you want and reward their authors. That's right, it can be gamified: post authors can receive rewards for their contribution.

How to create one?

You can find all the information to create a contribution form here : How to create a shared form?

How does it display ?

You can easily spot the contribution forms in the newsfeed . The post has structure, a status and a nice ribbon which indicates the topic (dataset) to which it belongs.

How to manage it?

Based on your form setting, new contributions might require an action from admins or managers, such as checking and validating the submissions. For that, in the management section on the contribution forms you can filter the contributions either by topic or by status. The "pending" status is the one requiring validation.
You can validate, reject, return and delete, but also rate (if enabled) a contribution forms. 

Validating a form means that you accept it as a legitimate contribution based on which you can reward its author.
Managers will view their team members's contribution forms first.

The statu "validated" is displayed to everyone, while the "pending", "returned" and "rejected" status only to admins, managers and the post author.

If you are a manager, you'll find your collaborators's contributions on the tab "manage contributions".

How to use it in a challenge or dashboard ?

If you choose to reward the contribution forms authors you would need to create an indicator in a Dashboard or a Challenge. We recommend to contact your customer support manager at for a full demo.

How do I declare a result ?

😀See you soon on Incenteev 😀

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